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  • Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Asia has very rich cultural heritage, which was diligently carried out through centuries of history. Today Asia is quite attractive for international investors due to the fact that it has several big economics as well as several special area jurisdictions with blooming economy and favourable tax regimes.

    Below is out top list of jurisdictions for international investments in Asia.

    Hong Kong
    Modern Hong Kong can offer a free market economy, which heavily relies on international trade, financial sector, amount of export / import, including quite large portion of re-exports. Hong Kong imposes zero tariffs on imported items. Also there are only four groups of goods subjected to excise taxation: strong alcohol beverages, tobacco, hydrocarbon oil and methyl-based alcohol. Currently Hong Kong has no quotas on importing / exporting anything. Hong Kong government keeps on linking local currency (Hong Kong Dollar) tightly to the US dollar, thus, suporting an arrangement concluded back in year 1983.

    The local government is actively developing the Special Administrative Region (SAR) to make it a desirable destination for mainland China renminbi, in order to achieve it’s internationalization in business world. Local residents are permitted to create savings accounts in RMB currency; Also, corporate and Chinese government bonds in RMB currency have been publicly issued in Hong Kong; as well as currently in private and public sector RMB agreement settlement is permitted. The Hong Kong administration is currently trying really hard to add up additional application of RMB in Hong Kong financial markets and is looking for an opportunity to greatly increase the RMB quota.

    From the moment of setting up its local casino industry hotspot back in year 2001, Macau has managed to attract several tens of billions of dollars as international investment, entirely transforming the area into one of the largest global gambling hotspots. Macau’s gambling and tourism industries were heavily impacted by China’s decision to relieve travel restrictions for Chinese nationals looking for an opportunity to visit Macau. Back in year 2016, Macau’s gambling taxes estimated over 76% of overall budget income.

    Macau’s economy suffered quite a lot back in year 2009. It was a result of a global economic crisis, but rapid economic growth have continued somewhere by year 2013. Back in 2015, with an urban population of 646,800 people Macau hosted roughly 31 million tourists. Approximately 68% came from mainland China. Provided services, mostly gambling — have boosted Macau’s economic performance several times. However, lately, anti-corruption campaign performed by mainland China’s government has gotten Macau’s gaming industry to slightly suffer.

    Singapore is currently having a prosperous, well-developed free-market-oriented economy. Singapore government has hardly worked on and achieved an open and nearly 100% corruption-free government and business environment as well as strong economy, and quite high competitive (even by the Western standards) per capita GDP. Employment rates are extremely high, while the Singapore budget mostly relies on exports, specifically of consumer goods and electronics, IT & software, medical technology and devices, pharmaceuticals as well as on lively business, banking and financial industries.

    Singapore is a famous destination for many international investors and entrepreneurs, especially in certain industries. According to financial analytics data it will continue to develop and evolve into Pacific Asia’s major business and high-tech hotspot. Singapore is a proud member of the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement. It is also a part of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement. Back in year 2015, Singapore has established, along with the rest of the ASEAN participants, the ASEAN Economic Community.

    Starting back in the late 70s, China has been working on it’s economy and market, rapidly going from internal government controlled closed market, to more liberal, open government planned system with profoundly internal market-oriented economy, leading to an increase of China’s impact on the global market. By year 2010, China has turned into the largest global exporter. Changes and reforms have started with slowly abandoning collectively planned agriculture, developing to introduce free-market pricing, decentralizing taxation, granting more autonomy for government-owned companies, expansions of the private sector, fast development of stock markets and introduction of a modern banking system as well as China’s access to international trade and investment.

    China did undergo a number of reforms lately. During last few decades, Chinese government has renewed its support for government-owned companies in industries, which are strategic for country’s security and development. Such decision was made specifically to boost certain industries and make them more competitive on a global market. Such change of economy and the following benefits have dramatically impacted to a China’s GDP making more than ten times increase since year 1978.

    Modern Taiwan has a prosperous free-market economy with overall decreasing government control over international investment and trade industries. Strategic production industries, such as production of electronics, machinery and petrochemicals, have given the major boost and factors necessary for rapid growth of economy. However, such factors as Taiwan’s diplomatic isolation, extremely low birth rate, and quickly aging population are several major long-term challenges that Taiwan’s government needs to face and solve.

  • Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    IBC or International Business Company or as it is also called international business corporation basically is an offshore company which is usually formed under the laws of some jurisdictions worldwide as a tax-neutral company meaning that it is not taxable in the country of incorporation. It is also limited in direct business activity it may conduct while operating within the context of the jurisdiction in which it is incorporated.

    Meaning and main functions of IBC
    Often IBC features can vary by jurisdiction, however, usually they include business data confidentiality, ability to issue shares, provision for a local registered agent or office and exemption from local corporate taxation as the majority of offshore jurisdictions have removed or are processing the removal of IBCs from local taxation while reducing corporate tax to zero in order to avoid damaging the whole offshore finance industry.

    Such companies in general are incorporated for offshore banking, making international investments, asset protection, real estate and intellectual property ownership and other business activities related to international trade.

    A list of jurisdictions offering IBC as a business structure
    As it is stated in Streber Weekly, there are plenty of jurisdictions offering IBC as a business structure. The list of such jurisdictions is pretty long: Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Barbados, Bahamas, Belize, Brunei, British Virgin Islands or BVI, Cook Islands, Comoros, Dominica, Grenada, Gambia, Mauritius, Marshall Islands, Monsterrat, Nauru, Saint Lucia, Samoa, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Seychelles and Vanuatu. This list contains most of the jurisdictions without taking into account their worldwide reputation. Some popular offshore jurisdictions which weren't mentioned before offer territorial taxation and other tax incentives instead of offering IBCs. These business structures can be operating as exempt companies, free zone companies or non-resident companies etc. while lacking the ease of IBC companies: Panama, Hong Kong, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI), United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bermuda.

    For example, Panama's jurisdiction, in general, is suitable for International Foundation or IBC in terms of asset protection. Hong Kong jurisdiction in general is also suitable for international trade due to favorable taxation regime as it imposes no withholding tax, capital gains tax, tax on investment income, VAT and other sorts of taxes.

    Most reputable jurisdictions for IBCs
    British Virgin Islands (BVI) is referred to as world's leading offshore business center with more than 450,000 operating companies registered in its territory. It is often called the grandfather of all IBCs. International international business companies have a rather good reputation among other jurisdictions of such kind due to the ability to transfer domicile and privacy of ownership for assets collected inside of the company. In general BVI provide flexible, low-cost and prompt services for international offshore companies' incorporation.

    Seychelles can be alternatives to BVI offshore companies as this jurisdiction offer ease of administration, simplicity and privacy as well. In addition, IBC is the most widely used type of company incorporated on islands with more than 175,000 companies registered there. The IBCs of this jurisdiction are commonly used as consultancy and personal service companies as well as Holding Companies shares, real estate and equities.

    Bahamas is one of the oldest offshore jurisdictions, considered to be a classic one as the BVI mentioned before as it is an independent and politically stable which has an improving reputation and is gambling friendly.

    St. Kitts and Nevis has decent reputation while being also politically stable and having average to low costs. However, this jurisdiction is more popular for its Limited Liability Companies (LLC).

    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has merely low costs. It is quite politically stable with good reputation which has improved in recent years because of the gaining popularity due to financial operations carried out by Euro Pacific Bank and Loyal Bank.

    Belize is also a great place for IBC formation. In frames of this jurisdiction IBC can be used with the purpose of international trade, asset protection, offshore banking, owning real estate, e-business or any other financial services.

    Such IBCs are suitable for business transactions globally as well as making deposits and managing offshore investments such as bonds, mutual funds, stocks and other types of business services, while providing consulting and such professional services as management, corporate credit cards ownership, covering legitimate expenses etc.

  • Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Order one of the offered Slovak business services and preparation of possible solutions will be undertaken. Confidus Solutions, in conjugation with a multitude of experts (Slovak local including), develops a strategy and creates a unique tailor-made corporate solution for each customer. Once the communication is established, you will receive a list of documents and information required to proceed.

    Doing business in Slovakia
    Confidus Solutions employs a wide range of experts in different fields: lawyers, real estate experts, bank agents, accountants, tax consultants, and other professionals. Our company is capable of providing legal aid, accounting, business support, and corporate services worldwide. We can assist you with services regarding doing business in Slovakia.

  • Demographics of KyrgyzstanDatum21.11.2023 18:59
    Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    The total population of Kyrgyzstan is 6,132,932 people. People in Kyrgyzstan speak the Kyrgyz, and Russian languages. The linguistic diversity of Kyrgyzstan is rather diverse according to a fractionalization scale which for Kyrgyzstan is 0.5949. The median age is approximately 25.7 years. Life expectancy in Kyrgyzstan is 69. The female fertility rate in Kyrgyzstan is 4. Around 16% of the population of Kyrgyzstan are obese. The ethnic diversity is rather diverse according to a fractionalization scale which for Kyrgyzstan is 0.6752. To find out specifics of language, religion, age, gender distribution, and advancement of people in Kyrgyzstan see the sections below, as well as visit the section concerning the education in the country.

    In Kyrgyzstan, the population density is 29.5 people per square kilometer (77 per square mile). Because of this statistic, this country is considered to be sparsely populated. The total population of Kyrgyzstan is 6,132,932 people. Kyrgyzstan has approximately 226,960 foreign immigrants. Immigrants in Kyrgyzstan represent 0.1 percent of the total number of immigrants in the world. Immigrants in Kyrgyzstan represent 4.6 percent of the total number of immigrants in the world. The ethnic diversity of Kyrgyzstan is rather diverse according to a fractionalization scale based on ethnicity. Ethnic fractionalization (EF) deals with the number, sizes, socioeconomic distribution, and geographical location of distinct cultural groups, usually in a state or some otherwise delineated territory. Specific cultural features might refer to language, skin color, religion, ethnicity, customs and traditions, history, or other distinctive criteria, alone or in combination. Frequently, these features are used for social exclusion and the monopolization of power. The index of ethnic fractionalization in Kyrgyzstan is 0.6752. This means that there is a relatively high number of unique ethnic groups in Kyrgyzstan. EF is usually measured as 1 minus the Herfindahl concentration index of ethnolinguistic group shares, which reproduces the probability that two randomly drawn individuals from the population belong to different groups. The theoretical maximum of EF of 1 means that each person belongs to a different group. Read below for statistics of Kyrgyzstan on median age and gender distribution at various ages.

    The median age is approximately 25.7 years. The median age for men is 24.7, while the median age for women is 26.7.

    The sex ratio, or the number of males for each female (estimated at birth), is 1.05. It can be further divided into the following categories: sex ratio under 15 - 1.04; sex ratio from 15 to 64 - 0.96; sex ratio over 64 - 0.64; total sex ratio - 0.96. Total sex ratio is different from sex ratio estimated at birth. This is due to the fact that some newborns are considered in the sex ratio estimated at birth but pass away within the first weeks of their life and are not included in the total sex ratio.

    The majority religion of Kyrgyzstan is Islam, the followers of which comprise 88% of all religious believers in the country. Islam (Arabic: الإسلام‎) is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by the Quran, a religious text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Allāh), and, for the vast majority of adherents, by the teachings and normative example (called the sunnah, Arabic سنة, composed of accounts called hadith, Arabic حديث) of Muhammad, considered by most of them to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim. Besides Islam, there are some followers of folk religions in Kyrgyzstan. The religious diversity of Kyrgyzstan is diverse according to a fractionalization scale based on the number of religions in Kyrgyzstan. The index of religious fractionalization in Kyrgyzstan is 0.447. This score means that within the country there is one major religion and several other minor beliefs.

    General development
    Kyrgyzstan is considered to be a developing nation. The developmental stage of a nation is determined by a number of factors including, but not limited to, economic prosperity, life expectancy, income equality, and quality of life. As a developing nation, Kyrgyzstan may not be able to offer consistent social services to its citizens. These social services may include things like public education, reliable healthcare, and law enforcement. Citizens of developing nations may have lower life expectancies than citizens of developed nations. In Kyrgyzstan, 21.72 in every 100 people use internet. Kyrgyzstan has a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.628. Kyrgyzstan has an upper medium HDI score. This indicates that the majority of citizens will be able to attain a desirable life, though some citizens will not be able to achieve high living standards. The migration rate in Kyrgyzstan is -5.22%. In Kyrgyzstan, 25.4% of the population lives below the poverty line.

  • Biggest Canadian holding companiesDatum24.06.2023 12:51
    Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Today Canada is the seventh largest economy. Many companies are owned by private entities, but the government participates in the healthcare system and oversees some services, such as public transport and the utility industry. The Canadian economy is very diverse and quite well developed.

    Most of Canada's economy is international trade and export. Currently, the US is Canada's largest trading partner. In Canada, international trade accounts for almost 45% of GDP considering that free trade agreements between Canada and the US have dramatically increased trade by eliminating tariffs. Despite its relatively small population, Canada's economy is currently one of the most prosperous in the world.

    All strategic industries of the country are very well developed. Although the agricultural sector is small, it takes advantage of Canada's numerous natural resources, which are scattered across the country. In view of this, Canada is an attractive destination for global businessmen and corporations. Canada's flexible tax legislation leaves room for the use of holding structures: the country is home to several large holding companies.

    ATCO Group
    ATCO Group is one of Canada's largest holding companies with large net sales and assets. Today this company employs almost 7 000 specialists of various professions. The holding's subsidiaries are diverse, but most of them are active in either the gas/electricity or construction sectors.

    ATCO was founded in 1947 by S. Don Southern, who gave his son Ron Southern a minority interest under the name Alberta Trailer Hire and leased fifteen commercial trailers in the Calgary area. As the company's business grew, they also began selling trailers, becoming first the Alberta Trailer Company, then ATCO. By the early 1960s the company had operations throughout North America and Australia.

    In 2004, with deregulation of the retail energy industry in Alberta, ATCO sold ATCO Gas and ATCO Electric retail operations to Direct Energy Marketing Ltd.; ATCO Gas and ATCO Electric continue to operate as distributors (they own and operate the infrastructure that supplies natural gas or electricity in their service areas) but are no longer active in the retail market. As part of the sale to DEML, DEML contracted call center and billing services from ATCO I-Tek.

    DRI capital
    DRI Capital Inc. is a Toronto-based Canadian healthcare royalty fund manager, a type of private fund. The holding company's remit includes the purchase of robust and predictable royalty payments from existing pharmaceutical medicines, thereby providing investors with consistent returns.

    The holding was founded in 1992. In its first year in business, it quickly went public on the Toronto Stock Exchange and acquired a licensing interest in the innovative British biotechnology development company.

    Great West Lifeco
    Great-West Lifeco is primarily an insurance-focused Canadian holding company operating in territories of North America, Europe and Asia with 5 local subsidiaries around the world. Most of the companies that Great-West Lifeco controls indirectly are part of its largest subsidiary: The Great-West Life Assurance Company; the rest is handled by the US-based subsidiary.

    Onex Corporation
    Onex Corporation is a privately held venture capital and holding company based near Toronto, Ontario, Canada. In 2016, the company had an estimated net worth of $22 billion under its stewardship. The company is headquartered in Brookfield Place, Toronto, with multiple offices in New York City, New Jersey and London.

    The company invests in a variety of industries. Onex Corporation has previously shown a particular interest in acquiring equity stakes in high-cost manufacturing companies and then converting them into cheap, low-cost suppliers.

  • Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Virgin Islands (British) has a corporate tax rate of 0%, which is considered a low tax rate. Companies that operate under VAT have to pay tax on purchases at 0%.

  • Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    The limited liability company (LLC) is the most common legal form for companies in Germany. This legal form is often used by international companies that have decided to set up a subsidiary in Germany; local entrepreneurs also choose this legal form for their small and medium-sized businesses. It combines relatively few obligations with high flexibility to be set up in any economic sector. The limited liability company is subject to corporation tax, trade tax and the solidarity surcharge. The minimum share capital for LLC is EUR 25,000, with a minimum of EUR 12,500 proven in the bank account at the time of company registration. As the name of this legal form suggests, the shareholders are only liable for the capital they have contributed and do not risk their personal assets.

    An LLC is usually managed and legally represented by the directors of the company. In the case of a GmbH, at least one managing director must be appointed, who does not have to be a shareholder in the company or a resident of Germany. Typically, shareholders can exert direct influence on the company by issuing binding instructions to the managing director. Before you decide whether LLC is the most suitable legal form for your company, you should keep in mind that this type of company shares cannot be publicly offered for sale. Meanwhile, the administrative and financial controls are less stringent compared to public companies.

    Mini GmbH
    Another very similar legal form for companies is called a mini-GmbH, which is essentially the same as the regular GmbH in terms of limited liability for shareholders and no restrictions on doing business. Meanwhile, it allows entrepreneurs to contribute less capital when registering the company in Germany and therefore risk with less funds to start doing business. In fact, no minimum share capital is required at all. Instead, 25% of the company's profits must be placed in special reserves until the total amount of these reserves reaches EUR 25,000. In this case, the company is transformed into a regular LLC. The Mini-GmbH enables young entrepreneurs to start their business with less capital employed, reducing their risk and lowering the cost of capital until the business is successful and generating profits.

    German GmbH taxation
    Typically, taxes are collected and administered by the local tax office. Local tax offices are typically responsible for administering income tax, corporate income tax (CIT), real estate transfer tax (RETT) and value-added tax (VAT). While trade tax is based on corporate taxes administered by local tax offices, enforcement of trade tax is the responsibility of municipalities. German LLCs are generally subject to the taxes explained below:

    Corporate Income Tax – levied on the company's worldwide income, unless a double taxation treaty is in place. The corporate income tax rate is 15%, while corporate income tax is subject to a solidarity surcharge of 5.5%. This results in an aggregate tax rate of 15.825%;
    Trade tax – is levied by the municipality where the company is based. The standard tax rate is 3.5%, while the additional multiplier is added in the range from 200% to 500% and is determined individually by each municipality. This results in an aggregate tax rate of 7% to 17.5%.
    Both taxes are assessed annually, but companies are required to prepay corporate income tax and trade tax quarterly based on an estimated current year's tax due.

  • Banks in United KingdomDatum12.11.2022 17:36
    Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Confidus Solutions list of banks in United Kingdom contains 18 banks.

    You have several options for bank account opening in each one of the banks listed below.

    Select a bank
    HSBC Bank
    Barclays Bank
    RBS Bank
    Lloyds TSB Bank
    Standard Chartered Bank
    Ahli United Bank
    Bank of America
    BNP Paribas
    BBVA Bank
    Sabadell Bank
    Bank of Scotland
    Bank of Ireland
    Santander Bank
    Goldman Sachs Bank
    ICBC Bank
    British Arab Commercial Bank
    Clydesdale Bank

  • Bank account management toolsDatum15.10.2022 18:21
    Thema von MartinRoberts im Forum Dies ist ein Forum in...

    Whether you have a personal bank account or a corporate bank account for your business purposes, it's important to have convenient access to your funds and constant control over your account. However, sometimes you might be too busy to monitor your bank account, or you might be traveling so your money won't be available when you need to make an urgent transfer... Don't worry as there are a number of different account management tools that allow you to do that you to choose and create the most efficient and convenient account management model, no matter where you are.

    The three most common types of tools used to access and manage your bank account are:

    online banking
    Using a personal banker
    Authorize someone to manage your bank account for you
    Confidus professional team of banking experts and agents can provide you with comprehensive information on each of these options as different tools are more convenient in different situations. Contact us now to open a bank account immediately.

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